Many people are looking to improve their health by eliminating wheat, corn, and/or dairy from their diets. I have been experimenting with recipes that are free of wheat, corn, and dairy for several years. I've created "Ideal Ingredients" to share not only what I have learned, but also to share a delicious and healthy way of eating!

Special Note: If you are also avoiding eggs, you may substitute the following for 1 egg in my baked goods recipes.
1 egg = 1/3 cup applesauce OR 1/4 cup mashed banana OR 1 T ground flaxseed + 3 T water

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grilled Pineapple

Grilled pineapple is a sweet and juicy treat! Grilling it brings out the tropical flavors. Not only does it taste good but it is a good source of Vitamin C, Manganese, and Thiamin. This makes an excellent dessert or side dish.


1/2 pineapple, sliced and peeled
1 T brown sugar
1/4 t cinnamon


Heat grill to lowest temperature. Slice pineapple in half and remove ends. Cut 1/4 inch wide slices and remove skin. In a small bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon. Place sliced pineapple in baking dish and rub sugar mixture evenly on one side of each piece. Place pineapple slices, plain side down on the grill. Grill for 3-4 minutes. Turn with tongs to sugared side. Grill another 3-4 minutes. Remove from grill. Enjoy as a dessert or a side dish.

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